Blog posts with the tag "Military Couples"

Staff Perspective: Never An Even Split

Kristyn Heins, Ph.D.

When you’ve decided to officially share a life with someone, maybe through marriage, civil union, common law, or any other way, you may go into it with the assumption this is 50/50. This is a partnership where together we will put effort into building a life we love. Few of us have an outright conversation about expectations and roles, we just think, “I love this person and they love me and we will figure out our own way”.

Staff Perspective: Intimate Partner Violence - Understanding its Impact, Improving Screening Methods, and Strengthening Support Systems

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time dedicated to recognizing the serious effects of domestic violence, including intimate partner violence (IPV). During this month, various programs focus on this critical issue to support those affected by domestic violence and to educate professionals who assist them. 

Staff Perspective: To Share or Not Share a Bed - Understanding Sleep Divorce and Common Solutions

In this blog, Dr. Rogers reviews the growing phenomenon of “sleep divorce,” a practice where an individual sleeps in a different bed to get better sleep or accommodate the sleep needs of a partner. Getting good sleep is not only important for the health of individuals, it can also have a significant impact on relationships. This blog will highlight research findings on sharing a bed with a partner, research on “sleep divorce,” and discuss ways to address problems leading to “sleep divorce.”

Staff Perspective: Impact of COVID-19 on Couples Accessing Counseling

As someone who hadn’t seen patients on an outpatient basis for several years, I decided in late 2021 to explore the world of telehealth. Telehealth was new to me as it was to many clinicians. I think the combination of more time at home and the increased need for access to behavioral health I was seeing in my role as a crisis clinician sparked my desire to begin seeing patients again. 

Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode “Making Room for Emotion - Emotionally Focused Therapy for Military Couples”

Dr. Jenna Ermold

Let’s face it, romantic relationships can be challenging for many under the best of circumstances requiring attention and hard work to navigate the challenges that life can throw at any couple. Romantic relationships + military service? The challenges can feel like they are on steroids. Frequent moves, separation during training, long work hours, deployments… all very standard military-specific stressors that couples endure on top of the usual life stressors.
