Jeff Dimon
Jeff Dimon
Jeff Dimon is the Communications Manager for the Center for Deployment Psychology, where he helps develop the center-wide communications strategy and oversees external communications. He works on many projects such as the External Annual Report, the MED, PAO approvals, as well as identifying and implementing new strategies and ideas. He creates social media, digital, and print outreach tools, while developing ways to connect online with a variety of audiences.
Mr. Dimon has more than 10 years of marketing, communications, operations, and management experience. Mr. Dimon is a proud University of Maryland graduate where he graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 4.00 GPA, completing his education with two separate degrees: a Bachelor of Science in Marketing and a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. His professional interests include e-mail marketing, marketing automation, website management, graphic design, analytics, business intelligence, and customer experience.