Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Perspective: Exploring a Career as a Military Psychologist - The Clients

Dr. Libby Parins

I want to take a moment to discuss one of the biggest joys of being a military psychologist, the clients. To do this, I will answer a question I’m periodically asked:
What do you like about working with military members?
A complete answer would take much more time and space than I have here, but I can summarize it in five major categories.

Research Update: 8 December 2022

The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Adapting the Cultural Formulation Interview for the Military.
● Treatment of Alcohol Use Problems Among Rural Populations: a Review of Barriers and Considerations for Increasing Access to Quality Care.
● Impact of moral injury and posttraumatic stress disorder on health care utilization and suicidality in rural and urban veterans.

Staff Perspective: Reflections on Becoming a Military Psychologist

Dr. Deb Nofziger

At this time of year, psychology doctoral students all over the country are starting the internship application process. And many are pondering if becoming a military psychologist is the right choice for them. I was once faced with the same decision, and after years of working for the military on active-duty and as a civilian, I am sharing some general advice on what is needed to work within this system.
